Life is Too Short to Suffer with Dry Eyes
Do you suffer from dry, irritated eyes?
Your contact lenses feel uncomfortable, you rely on eye drops to get you through the day, and you find simple, everyday tasks like reading and driving more difficult than they should be?
You don’t have to suffer like this.
Life is Too Short to Suffer with Dry Eyes
Do you suffer from dry, irritated eyes?
Your contact lenses feel uncomfortable, you rely on eye drops to get you through the day, and you find simple, everyday tasks like reading and driving more difficult than they should be?
You don’t have to suffer like this.
Waterloo Region Dry Eye Specialists
We care about your eyes. We offer some of the most effective and advanced dry eye treatments available so we can restore comfort to your daily life.
Waterloo Region Dry Eye Specialists
We care about your eyes. We offer some of the most effective and advanced dry eye treatments available so we can restore comfort to your daily life.

TempSure Envi for Dry Eye
TempSure Envi is the gold standard and state-of-the-art technology in radiofrequency. It uses gentle heat to promote collagen production in the skin. When applied to the eyelids, it can help rebuild and treat malfunctioning tear glands (called the meibomian glands), which is a leading cause of dry eye.
Dry Eye Syndrome will get worse if left untreated. If you have any symptoms, please book an appointment and talk with one of our eye doctors about appropriate treatment strategies.
IPL for Dry Eye
Another cause of dry eye is inflammation due to irregular blood vessels feeding the tear glands (meibomian glands). This is fairly common in those with dilated blood vessels in their cheeks or lid margins (Rosacea).
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is used to treat the irregular blood vessels that cause inflammation of the meibomian glands.

Advanced Diagnostics for Dry Eye Treatment
At Grand River Eye Care, we use the latest diagnostic equipment and tools to quickly and accurately pinpoint the cause and type of dry eye problem you’re suffering from.
We provide custom treatment plans designed not only to maximize the relief of your dry eye symptoms, but to treat the underlying cause of your discomfort.
What is Dry Eye Syndrome?
Dry Eye Syndrome is a common condition that occurs when your tears are not able to provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. This might happen because you do not produce enough tears, or if you produce poor quality tears.
You may first notice Dry Eye Syndrome by recognizing that your eyes simply feel uncomfortable at times.
How Can Watery Eyes be Dry Eye Syndrome?
Patients often wonder how they can possibly have Dry Eye when they experience overly watery or teary eyes.
The eyes have a protective response called reflexive tearing. This happens when the front surface of the eye is dry. The gland responsible for watery tears is stimulated to produce more tears in order to help coat the front surface of the eyes. This is a reflexive response to help fight the immediate dryness, but it will not cure the cause of Dry Eye Syndrome.
Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome
- Stinging or burning sensation
- Tired eyes
- Redness to the white part of the eyes (conjunctiva)
- Feeling that something is in your eye (gritty or sandy feeling)
- Mucus or discharge in your eyes
- Occasional blurry vision, especially with night driving
- Sensitivity to bright light
- Difficulty wearing contact lenses
- Tears / watery eyes
Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome
Decreased Tear Production
As we age, we produce less tears. Age is the most common cause of decreased tear production. Medical conditions such as diabetes, arthritis and thyroid imbalance are also strong contributors to dry eyes.
There are many medications that can also affect tear production, including hormones, birth control pills, medications for acne and other skin conditions, antihistamines, decongestants and antidepressants.
Increased Tear Evaporation
Our tears evaporate more readily when we blink less. This happens when we are using the computer, reading or driving. Evaporation also happens quickly when the air is dry (especially in the winter), wind or smoke.
Poor Quality Tear Film
Our tear layer is actually composed of three layers; oil or lipid, water and mucus. A deficiency or imbalance in any one of these layers will cause Dry Eye Syndrome.
The lipid or oily layer of the tears is formed by oil-producing meibomian glands. The main job of the oily layer is to stop evaporation of the rest of the tears. The oil glands run the full length of our lid margins (upper and lower lids) and they empty oil through openings close to the base of our lashes. If the meibomian glands become inflamed or blocked, they can stop producing the essential oil we need to keep our eyes lubricated.
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is commonly found during a routine eye exam. Eye doctors see this a lot and are able to point out treatment strategies to patients before they are even symptomatic, in order to prevent discomfort and vision loss in the future.
The watery (aqueous) layer is formed by the lacrimal gland, located above the eye. Its job is to wash away particles and prevent infection.
The mucin layer is formed by specialized cells in the conjunctiva and cornea. This layer helps the watery tears adhere and spread out on the front surface of the eye. It also nourishes the underlying part of the eye called the cornea.
Treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome
Artificial Tear Drops
There are many different types of lubricating tear drops, but the best tear drops are preservative free. Avoid using drops with extra chemicals that are not healthy for the eyes. Please ask us which are the most appropriate to use in your situation.
Omega-3 Supplements
Supplementing with Omega-3 can decrease dry eye symptoms and the inflammation that is found in dry eyes. It is important to know that not all Omega-3 supplements are the same. The amount of the important ingredients (DHA and EHA) can be significantly different from one brand to another, and some forms of Omega-3 are made to absorb better in the body. Some brands require you to take an excessive amount in order to get the required daily recommendation for dry eyes, while other brands are pure and only require a small dosage to get the full effect. Please ask us for recommendations on the most professional grade available, as this will give you the most healthy relief from dry eye symptoms.
Punctal Plugs
Tears are drained away from the eye via a small canal called the nasolacrimal duct. It is sometimes beneficial to put a temporary collagen plug in one of these canals to stop this drainage and preserve the body’s natural tears on the surface of the eye. These plugs dissolve away after a few months so are often a wonderful dry eye solution during the dry winter months.
Blepharitis Treatments
Blepharitis means inflammation of the eyelid. This inflammation is very common and easy to treat if picked up early. Eyelid inflammation leads to dry, uncomfortable eyes.
For lids that show dryness or Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, we recommend warm heat with lid massage. An eye mask that is heated in the microwave is applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes a day. This heats the oil glands responsible for lubricating the eyes and gets the natural oil production flowing more smoothly. If there are blockages of the glands, lid scrubs will be prescribed to cleanse the gland area and allow for oil production. A blepharitis treatment can be done to the lids in our office to help kick start the treatment of moderate to severe blepharitis.